Hair and Makeup for Corporate Events and Productions in Las Vegas, Video, TV Productions, Conventions
Still Photography, Executive and VIP interviews, Satellite Media Tours, Live Feeds, CNN, NBC, FOX,

Liz Claman – FOX Business News

I have worked freelance for CoverEdge since 2003
My first 15 years I was doing mostly fashion and glamour makeup and hair first in Munich and then in Los Angeles and Las Vegas where I have been doing more of my actor, model, and executive headshots and portraits.
In 2003, I started doing TV News Media Interviews for CoverEdge in Las Vegas. CoverEdge provides Studio Live Feed Services to FOX, CNN, MSNBC and most other networks.
Since that time I have done more than 100 assignments on Executives, Politicians, Pundits, Authors, Athletes, Entertainers and more…
While working in L.A. I had only done male actors and models but working for CoverEdge opened up a whole new world for me.
I have worked with some very well-known, powerful and intellectual men and women. From Politicians to Entertainers and Athletes.
They are people that most will only ever see on their TVs or on the Internet. I feel honored to have the opportunity to meet so many of them.
SMTs, Interviews and all Production Makeup and Hair needs.
As a free lancer I have worked with many production companies both from around the country. Most of these companies are on my website here: My List of Clients, Celebrities, Political Figures and VIPs I have worked for.
This type of work, especially for the news agencies, is sometimes very short term notice and early call times for east coast feeds can be demanding. There is an excitement to it and I really love doing this type of work.
It often needs to be done very quickly while at the same time making the subjects comfortable. I try to make it all as stress-free for my subjects as possible.

Doing Hair and Makeup for VIPs, Executives, Politicians, Business and Media Personalities is Common with Corporate Events.
It is always important to not only understand how the makeup and hair should be done, but also being sensitive to the personality of the individuals being done.
People being interviewed are not always used to being in front of the camera and can be quite nervous, some want quiet so they can concentrate on their upcoming interviews while others want and need conversation. I try to adjust accordingly.

Early Call Times are Never a Problem for Me.
Las Vegas is in the Pacific Time Zone.
I often need to start very early to satisfy the east coast live media scheduling for the network morning shows. I often work major conventions doing hair and makeup for TV reporters and commentators.
I am never late.
I follow the TV crews through the events, assisting and keeping the on-camera talent looking fresh and perfect.
Hundreds of Photo Shoots and many Live Feeds and SMTs.
I know what is needed and I respect the entire crew as well as the on-air talent. It takes a team and I always feel honored to be a part.
An Independent Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist
I am not an agency. I am an independent makeup artist and hairstylist. Everything on my website is my work. If you book me I am the artist that will be showing up and doing the work. If additional artists are needed, I can recommend other top artists.
For availability and 1/2 day to 12 hour to multi-day packages
Photography, Video, Corporate Events and Conferences put Faces on 10′ x 20′ LED Displays
These days, most every event, trade show, conference and convention uses giant LED video wall displays of speakers and guests to maximize their engagement with their audience.
When a person’s face is put up on a 16′ x 9′ display the viewer gets a very up-close and personal view.
It is very important to make sure they look cool, calm, collected, and their skin has no red splotches and the glare of the spotlight doesn’t have them too shiny and bright!
My Client list has many corporate clients I have worked on doing major events here in Las Vegas.
Because of this experience, working with high profile executives, CEOs, and major political figures and pundits is commonplace for me and I am very comfortable working with them.
I have met some amazing people and every job is exciting, however I understand my place and my job – I won’t be asking for selfies with them.
Makeup for Photography and Video
Corporate Events and Commercials often have a Still Photography component, and group shots require everyone be ready at once.
I am fast but sometimes a second or even third artist is needed for larger groups and tight schedules. I can recommend other excellent makeup artists and hair stylists if more will be needed

Experienced as a Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist for All Ethnicities and Genders and Always Prepared for All.
We have been in Las Vegas since 1994 and worked in Los Angeles for 6 years prior. I have worked on photo shoots and video productions since 1985 when I began working as an assistant in a Munich photo studio.
I assisted a top German hair stylist and make up artist for almost 2 years. There we had steady streams of productions for some of Germany’s biggest publications at that time.
I did what ever was needed to be done in the studio. I was hired by an American photographer to do all the makeup and hair on the models he was photographing. We eventually married and I have been a Makeup Artist and Hair stylist for him ever since.
My husband and I have operated doing all types of people photography since 2005 and I have done all of the hair and makeup for hundreds of our clients in that time. My About Me page tells the whole story.
For Makeup and Hair Services
in Las Vegas