Makeup coverup for tattoos, scars, stretchmarks, and brown spots.


Makeup coverup for tattoos, scars, stretchmarks, and brown spots requires multiple layer  applications and additional time.

Many do not want their tattoos, stretchmarks or scars show in their photos. Covering them with makeup can be difficult. Make up can only correct and cover the coloring of the areas. Most scars, stretchmarks and some tattoos are three dimensional. They are not smooth, and even when covered with makeup, the shadows and highlights that occur when illuminated at some angles will still be visible.

Hide tattoos, scars, stretchmarks

The best solution when possible is to find a way to cover the problem areas with your wardrobe or accessories instead of covering them with makeup.

Covering tattoos scars and stretchmarks with makeup

We can do spot cover-ups of tattoos, stretchmarks and scars , however you must have realistic expectations. It will not look perfect under every lighting situation. We cannot guarantee that the makeup will not rub off on your clothing or on those you come in contact with.

The color of scars and tattoos and stretchmarks can usually be changed sufficiently by layering foundations and coverups to closely match the adjacent skin color, however changes of lighting types, the direction of the light and the varying color temperatures of the different light sources that you will encounter during your day, including the harsh light of direct flash photography may show variations in color and reflectance on “spot or small areas of makeup”. This is because skin and makeup reflect light and react to those variables differently.

This is especially a problem for tattoos, stretch marks and scars where the area of the skin is raised slightly higher than the normal skin, or has a texture to it making it 3 dimensional. We cannot eliminate shadows that will come and go depending on the direction of the light…

Another consideration is the location of the cover-up. If the areas will have a lot of contact and or rubbing with fabric from your dress, veil, straps, sleeves, or perhaps more importantly those you hug or rub up against when walking together or during mingling with guests, you will have problems. No matter how well set, makeup will not hold up under sustained contact or friction without continual attention.

Because this type of cover-up will take additional time it must be booked with the service in advance so reserved booking times will include the time to do it. The larger and darker the area the more time that is required to cover it. Covering dark tattoos on very light pale skin completely can be very time consuming. it will usually be a small additional fee of up to $25 for the first 15 minutes.

Spray tan coverups

For multiple large tattoos full-body spray tanning is the best choice. You can find local spray tan businesses in Las Vegas by Googling for them.  Be sure and ask if they can cover tattoos completely.