Pricing Information Request for Makeup and Hair Styling for Parties, and Non-Commercial Events The more accurate the information on your Non-Commercial Event makeup and hair styling needs, the more accurate we can be in estimating what time we will need to start in order to assure that everyone is done in plenty of time and you will not have unanticipated delays or additional costs. First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Phone(Required)Your Contact Email:(Required) Type of Services Needed:(Required)Click to SelectPartyLadies Night OutConcertOther Non-Commercial EventHow did you find me?(Required)Click to SelectReferralJust SurfingGoogleYahooBing SearchOther Search EngineFacebook-InstagramWedding WireMandyPerfect Wedding GuideParty PopOther Link SiteDate of ServiceFinish Time for Makeup and Hair (Leave enough time to dress, any photography, and plenty of time to get to your event location)(Required)*IMPORTANT: "Finish time*" is the latest time that the last person must be finished. Christiné (and team) will need a few additional minutes when finished to pack up all products and implements, lights and makeup chair. Make sure you allow yourself time for her to leave and for you to get where you need to go or be.Location where the work will be done: ( We know it is Las Vegas NV United States. Please give hotel or venue name and location if a private home or other location )(Required)Makeup and Hair Services RequiredTotal Makeups Required012345678910Total Hair Stylings Required012345678910Please list below the Makeup and Hair styles desired, any special services that are needed and any Comments, Questions, or Concerns For Makeup: natural? glamorous? or high fashion looks? how many will want lashes. Tattoo cover ups(how many? size? location?)....or any unusual extreme complexion problems? (vitiligo, active acne, heavy rosacea etc.) For Hair: Any special styles required? Up-do styles? Loose curls? etc. Longer than shoulder length? Braiding? Will anyone need their supplied clip-in hair extensions integrated into their style? or does anyone have bonded or glue-in extensions that require special care? Note: Blow Dries or Wet Hair styling Desired?.Styles, Special Needs, Questions and ConcernsOptionally send us photos of yourself and the types of looks you are looking for. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, jpeg, , Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10. Click Button Below to Submit Your Form